
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


let me see him in person in Korea, Seoul. =)


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Sunday, April 25, 2010


《僕の初恋をキミに捧ぐ》 1 - 12 完結巻


主演:種田繭 - 井上真央, 垣野内逞 - 岡田将生

简介:故事的主人公是自幼就患有心脏病的垣野内逞和他的主治医生的女儿种田茧。某一日,茧得知逞活不到20岁,于是她想方设法希望可以帮助逞。而对这一切一无所 知的逞这个时候向茧告白说“等我们成年了就结婚吧?”茧告诉他“那就到20岁吧。”然而终于有一天,逞知道了自己活不到20岁的命运,也想到自己和茧继续 在一起给不了她幸福,于是为了逃避这段感情进入了全封闭式的寄宿学校上学。想不到茧为了追随他也进入了寄宿学校,而不管逞用多么冷淡的态度对待茧,茧依然 不离不弃。这个时候,逞和初吻对象再度相会,而同校的学长铃谷昂也向茧表示了爱意。情敌的出现,病情的恶化,亲人的反对……两个人的青涩纯爱面对着越来越 多的考验……

[映画]僕の初恋をキミに捧ぐ 予告編

电影在去年10月上映了, 但光看预告就知道是一部催泪的悲情恋爱故事, 再加上平井堅的歌声和动人的歌词,还没看这部电影我已经知道结局会是怎样了。还是准备多一些纸巾好擦泪吧。


作詞: 平井堅 作曲: 平井堅

もしも願いが叶うなら - 如果愿望能实现的话
君の悲しみを僕の胸の中に - 你的悲伤在我的胸里
注ぎ込んで下さい - 请灌吧
その痛みならば僕は耐えられる - 多痛我都能忍受

未来描く地図も無くしてしまう - 虽没有将来地图可以画
ちっぽけな僕だけれど 君をみつけた - 但微不足道的我可是找到了你

さよなら、ありがとう、好きだよ、好きだよ - 再見 再會吧 對不起 喜歡你
さよなら、笑ってよ、泣くなよ、バカだな - 再見 笑吧 別哭泣 像是是個笨蛋一樣
伝えたい言葉は止めどなく溢れる - 想傳達給你 言語 多到無法阻止 滿溢出來
何度も、何度でも僕は君に恋をする - 無論多少次 無論多少次 我也會愛上你

君の願いが叶うなら - 若你的願望能實現
全て捧げると心からいえる - 全部都能奉獻給你 這是發自內心的言語

僕がいなくなっても消えること無い - 我不會不見 也不會消失
恋色に染まる心 君とみつけた - 戀愛的顏色渲染的內心 可以和你一起找到

さよなら、また会おう、ごめんね、好きだよ - 再見 再會吧 對不起 喜歡你
さよなら、笑ってよ、怒んなよ、バカだな - 再見 笑吧 別生氣 像是是個笨蛋一樣
恋しい 苦しい、愛しいじゃ足りない - 愛上了 辛苦了 卻又覺得愛的不夠
何度も、何度でも僕は君と恋をする - 無論多少次 無論多少次 我也會愛上你

恋する瞳と愛する痛みを - 戀愛的眼神 將愛上的傷痛
君が僕にくれた輝き忘れない ずっと - 你給我的光輝永遠不會忘記 永遠

さよなら、ありがとう、好きだよ、好きだよ - 再見 謝謝 喜歡你 喜歡你
さよなら、笑ってよ、泣くなよバカだな - 再見 笑吧 別哭泣 像是是個笨蛋一樣
伝えたい言葉は止めどなく溢れる - 想傳達給你 言語 多到無法阻止 滿溢出來
何度も、何度でも僕は君に恋をする - 無論多少次 無論多少次 我也會愛上你

さよなら、また会おう、ごめんね、好きだよ - 再見 再會吧 對不起 喜歡你
さよなら、笑ってよ、怒んなよ、バカだな - 再見 笑吧 別生氣 像是是個笨蛋一樣
恋しい 苦しい、愛しいじゃ足りない - 戀上了 辛苦了 卻又覺得愛的不夠
何度も、何度でも叫ぶよ - 無論多少次 無論多少次都呼叫
好きだよ - 喜歡你
さよなら - 再見

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花より男子 is my all time favourite drama, anime and manga.

I am a proud owner of all 37 volumes of 花より男子. Now sitting quietly and collecting dust in my cupboard.

Author:神尾叶子, 37 volumes from 1992 to 2004. The above is volume 1. I have to admit the illustration does not look very impressive but it did improve over the years.

Volume 36. Told you, didn't i? Her drawning improved!

I watched the tv anime too. It was boardcast on SCV (its was called SCV then) during my JC days. I remember rushing back home just to catch the 20mins anime (minus advertisement) and cannot stop thinking about what's going to happen next.

In 2001, Taiwan made it into a drama which marks the start of all the 偶像剧craze. I remembered being very excited when i came to know of this news on 娱乐新闻, a daily MUST watch during my secondary school days. Was even more excited when i saw 言承旭 acting as 道明寺. Very 帅 in my opinion.

流星花园 - Only first half of the story follows the manga and 言承旭 whom acted as 道明寺 had the signature curly hair for only the first few episodes. Though i had to agree that he looks better with his long and flow-y hair.

In 2003? Taiwan release Season 2,

流星花园2. This has totally no connection with neither the animation nor the manga thus i don't really like it.

In 2005, the Japanese version was out.

花より男子 - Seriously, i was very disappointed with the cast. 道明寺司, leader of F4 is my favourtie character thus i was especially disappointed with 松本润 whom acted as 道明寺司, whom i think just does not have the looks and height for this role. As for the others, it was a-ok only.

In 2007, Japan had the season 2.

花より男子2 - To be honest, i gave it a miss.

In 2008, Japan had the movie.

花より男子F - I watched it on the plane. I think it was quite a flop with not even a bit of the 花より男子 element instead there was a very long chase scene and them stranded in a tropical island. The plot and ending was crap and very lame.

In 2009, the Korean version.

꽃보다 - To be honest, i did not watch was it was first out as i was afraid it might be another flop just like the Japanese version but there was a lot of rave and hype about this Korean version of 花より男子 thus, i decided to give it a try and thank goodness i watched! Not only did i watch, i RE-watched!

*thumbs up* they follow the manga closely with the very important ski trip scene which was missing in the Taiwan version and 李 敏鎬 whom acted as the leader of 4, renamed as Goo Joon Pyo had the signature curly hair through out the drama and i must said he looks good in it! The only actor who can pull of such an outrageous hairstyle. They developed the relationship between 花澤類, renamed as Yoon Ji Hoo and 牧野杉菜, renamed as Keum Jandi which makes the drama even more addictive.

Frankly, for all the 4 characters in 花より男子, the Korean version is my no. 1 choice, though i like 言承旭 as 道明寺 too. By the way, don't you agree that 李 敏鎬 and 言承旭 look very alike?

Btw, China Hunan TV is joining in this 花より男子 craze too.

流星雨 - I'm wondering if i will watch, the guy acting as 道明寺司 is not my cup of tea.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sparkling Korea!

Being a couch potato, i feed on ALOT of Korean dramas over the last 10yrs therefore there are a list of places i NEED to visit in Korea, Seoul. =)

First on the list must be

Winter Sonata

Namiseom Island.The famous tree lined road.


Stairways to Heaven.

Lotte World. This is where Song-ju and Jeong-seo played as children and rode the carousel.


My Lovely Samsoon.

COEX Aquarium where Sam-soon and Jin-heon too Mi-joo to on their date. They had a meal there beside the fishes where Jin-heon was feeding Mi-joo and Sam-soom said she hopes he can feed her too. So cute!


Boys Over Flowers.
N Seoul Tower and Namsan Park are 2 MUST visit places because Namsan Park is the location for the final scene is Mt. Namsan cable car and the stairway, where Sam-soon and Jin-heon share blissful moments. In the finale, Sam-soon has found blossoming love and now owns her own business, and Jin-heon is deeply in love with her. The cable car will bring back fond memories of the scene.

N Seoul Tower, a Boys Over Flower fan surely knows about the very vending machine where Keum Jandi bought a cup of coffee for Goo Joon Pyo as she was late for their "date" and later which they spend the night in the capsule car.


The First Shop of Coffee Prince.

The coffee shop where we can find a sunflower painting as well as a number of props from the drama. Those doodles are drawn byYoo Eun Hye herself.

Actually the list goes on. Some places are not so easily accessible on my own. I will leave them to the next time when i visit Korea again.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

RMK Recovery Gel

RMK Recovery Gel sample. It is a miniature of the actual size product.

It contains the following ingredients:
Yeast extract(Moisturizing component)
Kyonin extract(Moisturizing component)
Diptoassium Glycyrrhizinate (Anti-inflammatory)
Grapefruit Extract
Aloe Extract
Raspberry extract
Ceramide D

A refreshing and light grapefruit scent. The texture is gel with capsule bits. The gel works to recharge the skin with moisture and the capsules work on the damages and re-strengthen the skin. I use it after my daily skincare routine spreading it over my entire face until the capsules disappear. I've been using this sample for a week and i wake up the next morning with a soft and plump skin! It is light and yet moisturizing which is very suitable for me as i'm oily skin. I think this product is good for oily skin and for use during summer.

I'm still considering if i want to purchase this product as it is 6090 yen for 40g. The price is abit steep thou but i've got a feeling i might purchase it in the end!


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Sunday, April 18, 2010


正在追看李明浩的新剧 - 《个人趣向》。李明浩, 帅!

李民浩 - 公镇浩, 孙艺珍 - 朴开仁



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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Free Information Center?

Yup. for all brothel information in 歌舞伎町。By the way, they only serve Japanese man and so do all the brothel.


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Friday, April 16, 2010

Kanebo Blanchir Superior

Kanebo's Blanchir Superior series is a range of whitening product which combines cutting edge whitening technology and carefully grown oriental botanical.

I'm currently using the toner. This is actually my second bottle. This cost 5250yen for 280ml.

The texture is watery and it is slightly yellowish in colour. The scent is very very very light, almost fragrance free. I use it everyday after cleaning my face like a normal toner where i pour it on a cotton pad and wipe it in circular motions first then pat it around my face.

Next, i will use their star product, whitening conclusion. This cost 5250yen for 20ml. This bottle looks a little different from the one shown in the video clip as this the second generation with a double W approach which is マグノリグナン - Kanebo's original whitening ingredient and バイサミン - Gamma, Amino, beta hydro-Kishi acid.

This is my second bottle too! 2 pumps per usage. First pump, i will spread it evenly around my whole face and for the second pump, i will target on the spots and pigmentation left behind by the hateful and never ending pimple on my skin. Or you can spread the second pump on the W-zone as taught by 牛耳 in the video clip.

On days when i have more time i do a quick mask buy pouring a substantial amount of toner on a 5-layers cotton pad. As per normal, i will wipe in circular motions followed by patting it around my face then separate the 5-layers cotton and place them each layer on my forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. Leave it on for 1 to 2 minutes will do.

This product works for me. I'm do not focus so much on whitening my face but the spots and pigmentation left behind my the pimples are bothering me quite abit and this product not only can it help to reduce the spots and pigmentation, it can helps to brighten my skin too. Even without make up, my face will not look dull.


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Healthy Breakfast

My very healthy breakfast, all bran cereal with banana, strawberries and milk.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


早在几个月前我就把这部韩剧《IRIS》看完了。 有别于以般以浪漫爱情为主的韩剧,《IRIS》是韩国首部谍报动作电视剧,以国家安全局为舞台,讲述国家安全局要员与犯罪组织进行周旋、斗争的故事。除了超豪华的演员阵容外,该剧还将先后前往日本、俄罗斯、中国、美国等地进行大规模的海外场景拍摄。惊心动魄的剧情配上优美的画面将给观众带来充分的享受。 当然男女住角在剧中还是免不了的要有一段刻苦铭心的爱情故事,但因局势所逼而不能在一起。

主演李秉宪 - 金贤金泰熙 - 崔承熙金素妍 - 善花,郑俊浩 - 陈嗣宇,TOP - VICK



我不是很喜欢剧中的女主角 - 金泰熙 和金素妍。因为她分别在《天国的阶梯》和《爱上女主播》里都饰演反叛的角色,让我当年看这两部剧时恨得牙痒痒的,到现在还映像深刻。但我还是把《IRIS》看完了。因为一下的原因。



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Monday, April 12, 2010


一撃ラーメン - My favourite and the best ラーメン ramen i've tasted so far.

A very standard counter table setting for a ラーメン屋 (ramen shop).

The bbq fatty meat is the selling point of their ramen. The meat is barbecued and yet it is very soft. It literally melts in the mouth.

Take a closer look at the meat. *yeeks* It cost 850yen. (12sgd) but the serving is quite huge with 5 very thick and big pieces of bbq-ed fatty meat, half 温泉卵 and a substantial portion of noodle.

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

我的美丽日记 - My Beauty Diary

我的美丽日记 - My Beauty Diary - Aloe Mask. This cost 17.90sgd from Guardian.

This box contains 10 sheets of aloe mask and it cost only 17.90 sgd from Guardian. Which means, per sheet of mask only cost 1.79sgd!!!! very cheap!

I use Aloe Mask when i have out breaks as it is able to help subside the redness a little. I've read some negative blog reviews about this mask but its doing fine for me and my boyfriend. I guess it sometimes depends on individual. Maybe it contains some ingredients not suitable to one's skin.

I heard there are pirated version of this 我的美丽日记 - My Beauty Diary selling in the market. Please do purchase them from reliable retailers like Guardian or Watsons.


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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Raw Food

I've eaten quite a few different kind of raw food since i came to Japan, some i never thought i would ever eat.

すし/刺身 - Sushi or Sashimi, this is pretty common.

生鶏 - raw chicken, first try.

生鶏 - raw chicken, second try.

raw oysters

馬刺し - raw horse meat. Its like raw beef i guess but much more chewy as its very fat.

raw squid - I know im going to eat it raw but i swear i didn't know im going to eat it ALIVE. It tentacles were still move and the purple pigments we still shimmering. I had a hard time eating it in the end i told the staff i prefer calamari instead.

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居酒屋 - とり鉄

A colleague is returning back to Singapore for good and we had a farewell dinner with him at 居酒屋 - とり鉄. It amounts to 5000yen (heart bleeding quietly as when i paid) as we treated both him and his wife.

居酒屋 - とり鉄

the appetizer - 冷豆腐 (tofu)

nicely fried eggs

raw chicken meat! Since coming to Japan, i've eaten many many kind of raw food.

seaweed salad.

焼き鳥 - chicken meat, chicken liver, chicken kidney, minced chicken meat.

焼き鳥 -chicken cartilage

Chicken wings with sweet sauce.

Chicken wings with chili sauce.

焼き鳥 - some very fatty meat with mayonnaise.

焼き鳥 - minced meat which come with an egg york.

beat the egg work and spread it over the 焼き鳥.

鍋 - chili hot pot with alot of needle mushrooms, mushrooms, chicken meat and vegetable.

The chili hot pot after a few minutes. My favourtie dish of the day.

The same chili hot pot with rice in it. We finished all the mushrooms, chicken meat and vegetable but are still not feeling full thus, we order a big bowl of rice. You can order noodle too but i prefer rice.

Dessert. Quite pretty but was too full after the rice.

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腐女子 SHOP:

couch potato:カウチポテト

Australia - Brisbane, GoldCoast
Indonesia - Batam, Hapchai
日本 - 東京 - 東京都/奥多摩湖/伊豆七島, 千葉県 - 千葉, 神奈川 - 横浜/鎌倉/箱根, 埼玉 - 秩父/長瀞/川越, 静岡県 - 御殿, 山梨 - 富士山, 京都, 大阪, 福島 - 喜多方, 広島-宮島/厳島神社, 兵庫県 - 神戸ベイエリア, 奈良県 - 奈良公園(東大寺&春日山), 愛知県 - 名古屋, 栃木県 - 日光, 長野県 - 軽井沢 , 熊本県 - 熊本/阿蘇, 鹿児島県 - 桜島, 北海道 - 函館/札幌/小樽
Korea - Seoul
Malaysia - KL, BatuPahat, JB, Genting
Taiwan - Taipei
Thailand - Bangkok, Phuket
New Zealand

Cambodia - Siem Reap
Indonesia - Bali

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